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8 tips for good study

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2025-01-21 12:40:04

Everyone wants to be smart and talented, right? In fact, being smart is not something we are born with. But it is something we can create by ourselves by learning to develop ourselves in various aspects at the same time. What are they? Let's see... and apply them.

8 Tips for Studying Well, Try Using Them!!
1. You must set clear goals.
The secret to being a good student is that we must set goals in our minds. We must set goals first, such as what we want to study. When we finish high school, find out what we like, what we are interested in, and what our dreams are. Because setting goals is an important factor in helping us develop ourselves to be better and better, until we finally succeed.

2. Know how to plan your studies.
For planning your studies, creating a table or study calendar is an excellent tool that will help us achieve what we want in the end. We can write down brief information about our studies to let us know what we plan to do each day of the week and when we have to do it, such as reviewing lessons, reading books, writing reports, or practicing exercises. Planning in advance will help us not forget what we have to do each day. Especially for Mathayom 6 students who are about to take the entrance exam to enter university level, they must have a good study plan.


3. Know how to manage your time for what you need to do.
People who are good at studying are usually the ones who can manage their lives easily. They just need to know how to manage their time appropriately. When it’s time to study, it’s time to study. When it’s time to go out, it’s time to go out. In fact, people who are good at studying don’t necessarily have to stay home and read books. They just need to know what they need to do. For example, some people like to read books and review their lessons from six in the evening until midnight. Or some people may be too stressed and tired, so they can take a break and relieve stress by playing games. These things are not wrong to do because each person has their own limits.

4. Pay attention in class.
What the teacher teaches in the classroom is both the content in the lesson and the content outside the lesson. We should listen attentively and try to understand it together in the classroom. If we know how to develop ourselves while we are still in the classroom, it will result in us being able to score higher on the exam. It will also increase the knowledge and techniques that the teacher teaches.

5. Practice taking notes by yourself.

No one else’s understanding is as important as your own understanding. Therefore, we should take notes or summarize the content we are studying by ourselves in a language that we understand. We can write with different colored pens or draw a picture chart. Because even if we come back again, we will still be able to understand it. (But if we summarize following others, when we read it again, we might be confused and not know how we got here?)

6. Review the lesson regularly
After finishing each subject, we should review the lesson regularly because during the study, our brain is heavily used, which can cause some parts of the study to be blurry and not understandable. Therefore, when we finish studying, we should go back home and review the lesson again. For any lesson that we do not understand, we should go back and ask the teacher again. Do not leave us confused like that because in the end, it will result in us not understanding the lesson or doing well on the test.

7. Try to submit your homework on time. Submitting homework and reports completely and on time is another thing that Top 10 students in the class should not miss because it shows our responsibility. The more we do this regularly, the more we will train ourselves to be more responsible until it becomes a habit. After we graduate, we can apply this habit to our work.

8. Always seek additional knowledge.
Knowledge is something that never ends. In addition to gaining knowledge in the classroom, we should also seek new knowledge outside the classroom, such as finding books from the library to read. It can be a topic that interests us or various literature. Or some people may choose to search for knowledge from e-Learning, a modern electronic teaching media that we can access with just the internet. In addition, watching movies or documentaries is another way to increase knowledge because knowledge is always around us.

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Graduate School Suan Sunandha Rajabhat University
Tel. 02-1601174


