Home > News > Events > Today's interesting information about Thai traditional medicine is presented in the topic Cold weather syndrome
Today's interesting information about Thai traditional medicine is presented in the topic Cold weather syndrome

ผู้ดูแลเว็บ บัณฑิตวิทยาลัย
2024-12-16 13:13:34

Today's interesting information about Thai traditional medicine is presented in the topic Cold weather syndrome

respiratory system

Cold, allergies, coughing and sneezing

Drugs against the Indian Subcontinent   Relieves symptoms caused by allergies

Cough medicine mixed with gooseberry  Relieve cough and expel phlegm

Andrographis paniculata  Relieve cold symptoms, sore throat

Digestive system
Bloating, flatulence
Ginger relieves bloating and colic.

Skin and bone symptoms
Aloe vera gel/cream   Helps moisturize the skin in cases of dry skin.
Cream/plai oil   Relieve swelling, bruises, sprains

More: https://www.facebook.com/photo?fbid=1010140131152042&set=a.469151355250925

Graduate School Suan Sunandha Rajabhat University
Tel. 02-1601174



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